
All are welcome to join us in our ongoing activities in Nevada County. Feel free to contact us for dates, times, and locations.


The “Calendar” link shows events open to the public. Some events – typically at people’s homes – are displayed with a “Protected” comment. These events are usually open to the public as well, we just don’t publish the address on the internet. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in attending.

Devotional Meetings

Devotional gatherings are scheduled regularly to share a devotional spirit of joy, love and fellowship. Readings are often taken from the Bahá’í Writings and the Scriptures of other religions, such as Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, Islam, Zoroastrianism and Buddhism. Poetry, prose, and songs are also often a part of devotionals. Participants are encouraged to bring readings, quotes, poems, and songs to share. These gatherings often offer prayers for healing or assistance to those in need. Musical selections are diverse, coming from a variety of cultures and styles.

There is no established ritual and no solicitation of funds. Light refreshments are often served.

We have several weekly devotionals.

Study Circles

Study Circles engage in exploring fundamental Bahá’í beliefs through a series of interactive workbooks. Book One is Reflections on the Life of the Spirit which includes sections on prayer and life after death. The curriculum is service-oriented and was developed by the Ruhi Institute in Columbia. These free sessions are offered locally in a continuous cycle.

Study circles are regular gatherings of people interested in studying the Bahá’í Writings and applying them to their lives through spiritual transformation and service to humanity. Regular study circles led by a trained facilitator are offered in Nevada County.

Here are some of the topics covered:

  • Leading a virtuous life
  • The importance of service
  • Prayer
  • Life and death
  • The spiritual education of children

Children’s Classes

The Bahá’í community places great emphasis on the moral and spiritual education of children and youth, with a focus on providing ongoing opportunities for developing a sense of world citizenship and a lifelong commitment to serve humanity. In these classes children are taught about topics such as the beauty of diversity, the importance of tolerance and the elimination of all prejudices, and cultivating virtues like patience, kindness, and truthfulness. They also get an opportunity to express their creative side through music, arts and crafts.

Programs for Pre-Teens and Teens

Young people are encouraged to grow in their powers of expression and become agents of positive change in their communities. Youth work together to develop their own service projects under the guidance of trained mentors.

Bahá’í Houses of Worship 

Bahá’í House of Worship – Wilmette, Illinois.

There is a Bahá’í House of Worship on every major continent. (Wilmette, Illinois USA; Kampala, Uganda; Sydney, Australia;  Langenhain, Germany; Panama City, Panama; Tiapapata, Samoa; and Delhi, India; Santiago, Chile)

Bahá’ís come together here (people of all Faiths are also welcome), to pray and worship. Local Bahá’í Houses of Worship have also been constructed in Battambang, Cambodia and Norte del Cauca, Columbia. Others are underway in India, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Papua New Guinea, and Vanuatu.


Click here to view a daily blog, global in scope and wide-ranging in the variety of its topics. It is of both timeless and timely interest.

Holy Days

We also meet regularly to celebrate Bahá’í Holy Days.